


Student development

What does the SUTD student journey look like? How does SUTD support you in your interests and passions outside of the classroom? Find out what are the internship and overseas opportunities that await you.


Student experience

Hear our senior students share about the four-year student journey at SUTD.

Careers and Internships

SUTD graduates are highly sought after by top employers both locally and internationally. Find out what gives SUTD graduates an edge over their peers, and which are some of our top employers. With an extensive network of over 1,400 industry partners, the opportunities for internships are aplenty.

Global & student exchange

Learn about how you can plan and manage your exchange within the curriculum and find out more about our 79 partner universities we have across 24 countries.


Beyond a holistic education

Stretch your potential with our special programmes, and find out how we help incubate and foster your innovation for solutions even to everyday problems.


Undergraduate SUTD Technology and Entrepreneurship Programme (USTEP)

Our newest special programme, USTEP aims to nurture technically-grounded entrepreneurial leaders and innovators through an immersive experience with exciting innovation and entrepreneurial opportunities in Singapore and globally.

SUTD-Duke-NUS Special Track

We nurture future clinician-innovators with a strong foundation in engineering or architecture who can think creatively and work across disciplines to treat patients and bring about medical innovation.

SUTD Honours And Research Programme (SHARP)

A premium research programme for highly talented students with great passion and determination for outstanding research.

SUTD-Tianjin Eco-City (SUTD-TEC) Programme

A structured talent development programme for green enterprise sectors, specially developed for students passionate about sustainability as a force of innovative change in their chosen fields of study.


The final-year Capstone project brings together students from different programmes (majors) to work in design teams, contributing their respective expertise and skills to solve real-world challenges. Check out our showcase of select projects from our recent graduates.

Venture, innovation and entrepreneurship

The start-up culture is strong in SUTD, especially with a strong support system and infrastructure. Discover how with the Baby Shark Fund, you can unleash your power of innovation and design even upon small everyday problems – don’t be afraid to start with baby steps.

Participate in our interactive activity to experience transformable robotics and tackle challenges or race against each other.


Admissions, scholarships and financial matters

Did you know?

As an SUTD student, you don’t have to choose your Major (degree programme) until after Term 3.

You don’t have to submit separate applications for scholarships and/or special programmes – simply indicate your choices within your admission application!


AskAdmissions and consultations

Chat with our friendly admissions team who will guide and advise you on everything you need to know regarding your application. Simply walk-in and register!

Admissions talk

Albert Hong Lecture Theatre - LT 1 (Bldg 1, Level 1)

22 Feb, 12.45 - 1.30PM

23 Feb, 12.30 - 1.15PM


Post-graduate and lifelong learning

Stretch your potential with our special programmes, and find out how we help incubate and foster your innovation for solutions even to everyday problems.


SUTD graduate programmes

Our graduate programmes don’t just equip you with another degree, they spur you towards achieving your fullest potential to thrive in the real-world. Find out what are the available programmes.

SUTD Academy

We offer a comprehensive array of programmes (short-term courses, Graduate Certificates and ModularMasters) that help individuals and organisations upskill and reskill to develop a competitive advantage in today’s dynamic, knowledge–intensive and technology-driven economy.

42 Singapore

First tuition-fee free and teacher-less ICT programme in Singapore. Join our student-led lab tour to find out what’s unique about the 42 pedagogy and how you can take charge of your own skillset with its flexible curriculum. Have a try at the logic game, a sneak preview at the types of questions you need to master to get a ticket into the programme.

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